Difference between Acne Marks and Acne Scars

Once the acne heals and if the patient has not taken proper treatment or has scratched them – they are likely to leave an Acne Mark or Acne Scar.
If the acne heals and leave a dark colored spot without any depression in the skin -it is called an Acne mark or Post Acne Hyperpigmentation.
Such Acne Marks can be treated with Topical Serums and various modalities like Micro-exfoliation of various kinds.
Acne Scars can be reduced to a great extent using various kinds of fractional lasers like the CO2 and Er: Yag Fractional resurfacing treatments.
Various treatments like dermaroller , Microdermabrasion, Peeling etc are also used but are not that effective for treating Acne Scars.
For a complete treatment for acne and acne marks and scars – catch us at
DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics,
Ph: 9911100050
DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics,